Dear Eastern Region Membership,
As a new academic year and musical season begins, it is my great honor and joy to communicate with you for the first time as Region President.
The main purpose of this message is to introduce your new board members and give you some brief updates related to our region. I also want to take a moment to thank the previous board members for their innovation and tireless dedication leading our region for the past two years. I hope to build on the excellent leadership of Penelope Cruz, and am grateful to have her continued involvement on the current board as Vice President. I would also like to thank Peggy Detwiler, Penelope’s predecessor as President, who recently concluded her six-year term serving the Eastern Region.
It has been a pleasure compiling a board that will serve as a valuable resource for our membership through June 30, 2024, and I am excited by the collective range of experiences, skills and viewpoints that will help shape our work.
In order to be aligned with the national Repertoire & Resources (R&R) structure, we are expanding Region level R&R positions with Chairs for specific choirs and repertoire types. While a few positions are still being filled, please take a few minutes to visit our updated website to find out more about each R&R Chair and board member.
Our R&R Chairs and board members are eager to hear from you and are ready to assist in any way they can.
Has your membership lapsed? Click on the button below to fix that!
The Eastern Region electronic newsletter will return on a bi-monthly basis, beginning October 5. The newsletter will feature news, R&R columns and information about national, regional, and state conferences and activities. If you have news or content to share, or wish to pay for advertisements related to the choral profession, please feel free to contact Judith Nicosia, Membership Communications Chair by the 15th of the preceding month.
Judith Nicosia: [email protected]
Be sure to stay up to date with ACDA Eastern Region activities. Please follow all ACDA EAST accounts on Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter!

FACEBOOK: https://www.facebook.com/acdaeast
FACEBOOK MEMBER GROUP: https://www.facebook.com/groups/acdaeast

INSTAGRAM: @acda_east

TWITTER: @acdaeast
2023 National Conference
Cincinnati, Ohio
February 22 – 25
2024 Eastern Region Conference
Providence, Rhode Island
February 29 – March 3
Christopher Kiver
ACDA Eastern Region, President
[email protected]