February 28th-March 2nd | Providence, RI – Alysia Lee, Conductor
Eligibility for Audition:
- Singers who are current college students or adult members (ages 19+) of a community/church choir may apply.
- Application (through Submittable) deadline is September 30, 2023.
- Singers must be members in good standing of their sponsoring musical organizations.
- Singers participating in an ACDA 2024 Eastern Region conference performing choir, interest session choir or spotlight choir are not eligible to participate in an honor choir. This is due to the amount of time needed for the sound check/performance and honor choir rehearsal time that will be missed.
- Singers must be sponsored by a current ACDA member.
- Application fee of $20
Registration Fees and Costs: Accepted Singers are responsible for all of the following:
- Registration/participation fee/cost $299
- This fee only covers the costs of the honor choir.
- It is preferred that Participants stay at the Graduate Hotel Providence (formerly The Biltmore Hotel). Participants are responsible for booking their own housing. ACDA has a special conference rate – $149 (1 King or 2 kings)per night.
- A link for hotel bookings will be provided with the acceptance notice.
- Personal transportation to and from Providence RI.
- Scholarships are available and financial need will be determined prior to the registration payment deadline.The Scholarship application form can be filled out by accepted singers within 10 days of their acceptance notification. Singers receiving a scholarship will be notified prior to the festival registration deadline.
Expectations of Accepted Singers:
- Singers must be well-prepared on all music prior to arrival. Re-auditions will take place before the first rehearsal on Wednesday, February 28th.
- Singers who are not prepared will not be allowed to participate in the honor choir.
- Singers are expected to abide by all ACDA Honor Choir policies. If rules are broken, singers will not be allowed to participate in the remainder of the festival.
- All information regarding the Honor Choir experience will be communicated through the ACDA Sponsor. Singers should check regularly with the sponsor and on the Honor Choir Announcement webpage for updated information.
Online Audition Process:
- Online applications are on Submittable
- The Sponsor (and the applicant as necessary) submits online application information.
- Do not state your name, sponsor name, or organization for any uploaded recordings or file names .
- Non-refundable payment of $20.00 may be made by credit card only. If paying by bulk (the sponsor has 2 or more students they want to pay for in one payment in order to be reimbursed by a school or organization) please carefully follow the instructions on the submittable application. You will only need to pay ONE bulk payment. However, the invoice you receive from that payment will need to be used for each individual’s application. Please save your bulk payment invoice after you register your first applicant. This will make completing every other individual application easier. Complete instructions are on the submittable application.
You will submit two recording files that must be in mp3 format
- Vocalise. Sing the ascending and descending major scales appropriate to your voice part. Scales should be sung on the vowel “ah” as in father. Only the starting pitch may be played. Accompanied singers will be disqualified.
Voice Part | Starting Pitch for Ascending Scale | Starting Pitch for Descending Scale |
Soprano I | B flat above middle C | C above middle C |
Soprano II | A above middle C | B above middle C |
Alto I | E above middle C | A above middle C |
Alto II | D above middle C | G above middle C |
Tenor I | A flat below middle C | E above middle C |
Tenor II | F sharp below middle C | Middle C |
Bass I | E flat below middle C | G below middle C |
Bass II | C sharp below middle C | E below middle C |
- Repertoire Excerpt. Sing m. 5-26 (solo included and 1st ending), of “There is a King in You” by Donald Lawrence with the track provided: There is a King background track.
Score link: There is a King in You ACDA Audition excerpt PDF . There is an arpeggio and clicks at the beginning of the track to set pitch and tempo.
*ALL Tenors and Basses should sing the bottom notes of the chords as written in treble clef.
How Do I Practice?
- Step 1 – Click the following link: Practice Resource for There is a King in You
- Step 2 – Once the app is opened/ link clicked, you may select or deselect tracks to aid with your learning. This app will allow you to learn just your part but to also practice with other parts and then eventually all parts. Be sure to only use the audition track (link above) when recording your audition. All others will be disqualified.

Questions? Contact Regina McAdam, Honor Choir Coordinator: [email protected]