The 2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference will celebrate the power of both our individual and collective voice. The mix of singular and plural plays with the concept that while choral singers are drawn together by the desire to sing and be with others, the unique vocal attributes, identity, and life experience of each individual voice combines to form a rich, sonic tapestry. Singing with others not only creates a cohesive sound that is stronger than when singing alone, but also amplifies our individual voices in pursuit of positive social change.
We welcome applications from excellent ensembles highlighting the rich diversity of the choral community throughout the Eastern Region. Ensembles are encouraged to present diverse, compelling, and inspiring programs that support the conference theme, acknowledge choral music from previous historical periods and deepen our appreciation and understanding of what choral music is today. All singing ensembles are welcomed, and all current ACDA members are encouraged to apply.
The ACDA Eastern Region strongly encourages performing ensembles to consider giving back to the Providence community. Contributing activities could include performing in venues such as schools, hospitals, and senior citizens facilities. Ensembles may also connect with charitable or community-minded institutions, or bring financial donations or gifts-in-kind for organizations such as shelters or the local Food Bank. The Eastern Region Board will supply a database of organizations and institutions.
Performing Choir Audition Process Timeline
March 24, 2023 Online application opens
May 16, 2023 Online application closes
July 5, 2023 Choirs will be notified of their status via email
- The director of the ensemble must be a current member of ACDA and must have been employed in the same position with the same organization since the fall of 2019.
- Co-conductors for a particular ensemble may submit an application for performance together if all of the following conditions apply:
- Both conductors are members of ACDA and have been conductors of the ensemble since the fall of 2019,
- Both conductors share an equal or similar role as the shapers of the ensemble, and
- Recordings are equally representative of both conductors’ work with the ensemble.
- There will be one application on which both conductors will provide their complete information. Each conductor must submit recordings and programs that represent their own performance with the ensemble. Programs must clearly show that co-conductors have an equal or similar role in performance with the specific ensemble. The complete submission (six selections) will be assessed as one performance application. Note: only conductors included in the application will be able to perform at the conference.
- No ensemble or director may appear at successive national or successive regional conferences. Ensembles/directors that appear at a national conference may audition and appear at the following region conference and vice versa. Ensembles/directors that appeared as a demonstration choir are exempt from this rule.
Financial Considerations
ACDA assumes no financial responsibility for travel, food, or lodging for ensembles or conductors. However, ACDA Eastern Region is committing to assisting with the financial burden of Insight and Performing Choirs’ conference participation through providing counsel and support in the budgeting process, helping ensembles to access resources for funding, or by partially subsidizing funding (in collaboration with the state chapters) once an ensemble has been invited to perform.
We hope that potential financial burdens will not stop conductors and choirs from applying. By submitting an application to perform, you consent to being audio and video recorded with no financial compensation from ACDA or the recording company if chosen to perform in the convention.
Application Details
The entire Performing Choir application must be completed online through the Submittable platform. The Submittable platform assigns each submission a number, assuring confidentiality until after the Eastern Region Audition Committee has completed its consideration. At no time will the choir/conductor identity be known to any of the audition screening committee members. An incomplete upload of the audition materials listed below will not be considered.
The online application opens on March 24, 2023
and closes on May 16, 2023
Recording Submission Requirements
You must submit three audio-only recordings in mp3 format. The combined total duration of the three recordings should be no longer than 15 minutes in length. Important: do not include any identifying information within the recording itself (e.g., an announcement of the group or conductor etc.), nor any identifying information in the file names of the recording submissions. Please rename all recording files to the title of the piece that is being sung & the date/year of the recording; e.g. “avemaria-2020.mp3″
- The three submissions must include representative examples of the choir’s performances, each from a different academic or calendar year (shown on the list below), and all should be led by the same conductor. If necessary (due to limitations to in-person rehearsals because of Covid-19 restrictions), two of the recordings could be from the same year, but that should be noted in the application.
- Your three recordings must come from the following academic or calendar years:
- one selection from the 2022–2023 academic year or 2023 calendar year
- one selection from the 2021–2022 academic year or 2022 calendar year
- one selection from the 2020–2021 academic year or 2021 calendar year
- one selection from the 2019–2020 academic year or 2020 calendar year
- The uploaded mp3 files should contain only complete pieces. If a multi-movement work is excerpted, please include an entire movement.
- Submissions must feature unedited recordings by the same conductor and the same ensemble; in-concert performances are preferred and encouraged.
- Recordings may not be enhanced or engineered in any way. Recordings should reflect repertoire similar in complexity and style to the program proposed for the conference performance, but they need not be pieces on your proposed program.
Additional Submission Requirements
- For each piece included in the submission, provide a PDF file of one concert program on which that music was performed. Each PDF file should display the program page that includes the repertoire. If the date is not shown on the repertoire page, please also include the page that reveals the date of the performance. Important: do not include any identifying information in the PDF files, either in the program pages, or in the file names.
Conductor and Ensemble Biographies/Ensemble Statement
- The ensemble’s biography (100 words maximum)
- The conductor’s biography (100 words maximum)
- Ensemble Statement – To ensure diverse representation, without identifying the name of the ensemble or conductor, applicants are asked to share their ensemble’s mission and practices in a narrative no longer than 300 words. The narrative might include:
- The demographics of the ensemble, institution, and/or the wider community
- The ensemble’s history, mission, values, and philosophy
- How/If the ensemble works with the wider community
- How/If the ensemble meets the needs of a specific population
- A proposed program for the 2024 conference. The proposed program should include:
- Title, composer and/or arranger, and publication information of each piece
- Approximate performance time in minutes and seconds of each work
- The program must not exceed 25 minutes total on stage time (including applause, changes of formation, etc.). Please note: Accepted choirs are expected to perform the proposed program. Any changes to the program should be requested in writing before October 1, 2023. The proposed program will be considered as a part of the final selection and should include a variety of musical eras and styles.
- All performances will occur in Grace Episcopal Church in Providence, and as such, there will be limited performance space and minimal lighting and AV support.
- The following link will provide an accurate sense of the available space for performing ensembles:
- Specifically, the conference committee strongly encourages each program to meet or exceed The Institute for Composer Diversity recommendation to represent “a minimum of 25–35% works by living composers; at least 15–25% works by women composers; and at least 15–25% works by composers from underrepresented racial, ethnic, or cultural heritages including overlaps between these categories.” Only one manuscript (unpublished) piece may be included. The use of photocopies or duplicated music at ACDA conferences is strictly prohibited.
- An application fee of $45 will be required to complete the application.
Please direct any questions or concerns to:
Alison Geesey Lagan – Performing Choirs Chair, ACDA Eastern Region
[email protected]