Today marks the last day of my service as the ACDA Eastern Region President. I took office in the tumultuous time that was July 2020 and now look backward with relief, pride, and a sense of satisfaction for what the Board and Conference Committee and all of YOU were able to accomplish in these two years. I remain grateful to the folks listed at the bottom of this email for all their exemplary efforts, engagement, and laughs then, now, and always! I now turn over responsibilities to the eminently capable and charming Christopher Kiver, who will serve as our Eastern Region President from 2022-2024, maintaining our region’s financially robust profile and reputation for vision and innovation.
I am the Assistant Conference Chair for the 2023 National Conference, working with National President-Elect and Conference Chair David Fryling. We are confident that some of the positively-received initiatives and aspects of the 2022 Eastern Conference will be duplicated and improved for the 2023 National one. See you in Cincinnati, February 22-25, 2023!
If you’re interested, here is a list of ALL the repertoire done at the ACDA 2022 Conference!
I invite you to be in contact with me regarding all things ACDA and choral as you wish, as it is my connections with YOU that have made doing this work enjoyable and gratifying.
Penelope Cruz