Imagine a Year from Now…

Imagine a year from now you’ll have returned from our Eastern Region ACDA conference with your ears full of song and folders full of repertoire ideas and hearts full of the conversations with colleagues. For many of us, the last time we heard choirs live and in person, we were in Rochester at the last ACDA conference. Imagining being all together singing and hearing choirs once again is what sustains many of us during these COVID-darkened times—particularly your ACDA East leadership team. We have been hard at work envisioning being all together again, and over the next couple of months, we will be rolling out the 2022 conference innovations and enticements and providing information on how YOU and your choir can contribute to what will be such a special conference.

The RESONATE Conference Guiding Principles

We all seek experiences that RESONATE with us: emotionally, spiritually, intellectually, musically. In choral music, we also seek the resonance of the voice through our bodies and in performance spaces. As conductors, it is our mission to create experiences that will RESONATE in numerous ways. 

Performances often RESONATE with a person because they vibrate sympathetically with some experience that the individual carries within, and the impact of those experiences cannot be underestimated; however, it might be true that only certain experiences have been represented, perhaps making it difficult to find resonance and relevance for many. 

The 2022 ACDA Eastern Region Board and Conference Committee seek to create sound waves that travel further in different directions, fostering diversity and inclusivity in ways that RESONATE with more people. The concerts, sessions, and presentations will reflect the many different life experiences and realities of our members and those we hope will become part of our shared resonance.

Penelope Cruz, president
Christopher Kiver, president-elect | Robert Natter, treasurer
Jared Berry, program chair | Michael Schmidt, program chair
Michael Driscoll, performing choirs chair | Andrew Duffer, honor choir chair | Donald Dumpson, Diana Sáez, Tony Thornton, and Stefanie Weigand, Repertoire and Resources | Arreon Harley-Emerson, Diversity Initiatives | Mark A. Boyle, website and conference app
Katie Geiger, membership and development