The 2024 ACDA Eastern Region Conference will celebrate the power of both our individual and collective voice. The mix of singular and plural plays with the concept that while choral singers are drawn together by the desire to sing and be with others, the unique vocal attributes, identity, and life experience of each individual voice combines to form a rich, sonic tapestry. Singing with others not only creates a cohesive sound that is stronger than when singing alone, but also amplifies our individual voices in pursuit of positive social change.
We seek proposals for interest sessions that showcase the cohesive power of the individual and collective experience. We are specifically looking for conference sessions that continue to advance the choral profession, challenge and question existing models, and provide an empowering and inspiring experience for all ACDA members. We are keen to receive applications for sessions that not only address broader philosophical issues relating to choral music, but also sessions that address pedagogical techniques specific to rehearsal and performance practice of all choral repertoire.
Applications can be for either 50 or 90 minute sessions. 50 minute sessions are well suited to presenting theoretical or philosophical content, while 90 minute sessions are intended to give presenters sufficient time to include significant practical applications of the subject matter, or for more thorough immersion into pedagogical, philosophical, repertoire, and performance practice issues. If presenting a 90 minute session, we strongly encourage significant audience participation.
At their core, these presentations must embody the values of DEIAB (diversity, equity, inclusion, accessibility, and belonging).
- Eligibility
Presenters must be current members of ACDA willing to grant ACDA rights to record their presentation and allow ACDA to use such recordings. All accepted presenters are expected to meet all posted dates and deadlines. ACDA Eastern reserves the right to make adjustments to sessions at any point.
- Registration and Travel
It is understood that ACDA will not assume financial responsibility for registration, travel, food, or lodging for presenters or interest session/panel participants. This online application implies that the applicant has the funds to travel and present at the conference if accepted.
- Application Process
Applications must be submitted through Submittable by June 13, 2023 (see link at bottom of page). Applications will include:
- Session Title – The session title should be reflective of the session’s content and be no longer than 10 words
- Session Description – should include: a clearly defined description that clearly addresses an anticipated need of professional development for our membership which includes a topic sentence, key learning outcomes, and actual session content.
- 500 words (in paragraph format), which will be used to help evaluate your session and used in the conference app (topic sentence, learning outcomes, session content)
- 100 words (in paragraph format), which will solely be used in Choral Journal advertisements (topic sentence, learning outcomes, session content)
- Concise Outline
- Bulleted list (one page maximum), which will be used to help evaluate your session
- Headshot(s) of presenter(s) in .jpg format
- Biography or biographies of presenter(s) in 100 words or less
IV. Selection Process
Each submission will be evaluated by the ACDA Eastern Region Interest Session Chair, along with a team of choral professionals from across the Eastern Region. All applicants will be sent feedback with a completed rubric by August 30, 2023.
You can find a link to the rubric, here.
If further considerations are necessary, applicants will be asked to provide a 3 minute video that showcases your ability to engage with an audience.
V. Timeline
April 10, 2023 Online application opens
June 13, 2023 Application closes
July 21, 2023 Applicants notified of results
August 30, 2023 Applicants receive feedback
Please direct any questions or concerns to:
Nick Sienkiewicz, Interest Session Chair – ACDA Eastern Region
[email protected]