President’s Column
Writing this in the middle of September, it feels like the new academic year is settling into a regular and familiar tempo. If you attended one of the ACDA state summer conferences, maybe you began the new music season with an extra spring in your step? Recently, our Eastern Region Social Media channels shared photographs and reflections from summer conferences sponsored by the New York, Maryland and DC, and Pennsylvania chapters, and it was evident that each conference was filled with energy, excitement, joy, and a sense of renewal, appreciating the opportunity to be back together through a common love of choral music.
I was fortunate to attend the Pennsylvania Chapter conference and felt nourished by the opportunity to reconnect with colleagues that I hadn’t seen since before the pandemic, as well as meet new colleagues, some who were attending an ACDA conference for the first time. While the concerts and sessions were very good, it was clear from the constant buzz in the hallways between sessions, that attendees were reveling in simply being together and sharing their love for choral music. Like several states, an important part of the Pennsylvania summer conference is taking time
to honor members for both lifetime achievement, as well as acknowledging outstanding young choral teachers in the first years of their career. I find it powerful to see the connection between the generations, how we value what has gone before, and applaud and uphold those who will help our organization and profession evolve. Further connections were evident with an inter-generational Honor Choir, and a concert featuring Chanticleer and the renowned Susquehanna Chorale – connecting professional singers with fine singers from the wider community.
As the weeks go by and the demands of our jobs continue to increase, it can be easy to feel like we work in silos. I encourage you to think of ways each of us can strengthen our own connections within our local communities and the wider ACDA community. Take a moment to connect or reconnect with a local choral colleague – if you are aware of a new choral colleague in town, reach out and see if they are a member of ACDA, or maybe you have a longtime colleague whose membership might have lapsed. Explore opportunities to collaborate with other musical ensembles and organizations in your area or start planning to meet up or travel with colleagues to the National Conference in Cincinnati in February. Please make a point of connecting with the Region Board by letting us know the great work going on in your state. If you know of choral practitioners who may not receive the recognition they deserve, let us know so we can share their work with our membership.
ACDA is in an exciting period of evolution, and I hope that over the next two years the Eastern Region will work to strengthen our connections, both with the national and state boards and with our individual members. Among other things you will see increased communications from our Repertoire and Resources Chairs and more of a presence on social media. As a Board we want to have a genuine connection with you so please contact us – tell us what a good job we are doing, suggest areas for improvement, or simply reach out to ask for advice or guidance. The Eastern Region Board comprises a diverse array of committed and engaging choral musicians who are keen to serve you.
We wish you well for your musical endeavors.
Christopher Kiver, President
[email protected]
Amanda Hanzlik, President-Elect
[email protected]

If you need additional information about membership, please reach out to our Membership Chair, Robert Drafall, who will be happy to help.
- Benefit your students and program through various Honor Choirs, Festivals and other opportunities at local and national levels
- Stay current with state and region news while growing professionally
- Hear wonderful choral performances by some of the finest choirs in the world
- Receive the Choral Journal, ACDA’s national publication
- Make great and lasting friendships
A quick shout-out to welcome our newest R & R Chairs and Board members:
Robert Drafall, Membership Chair: [email protected]
William Gunn, Senior High School Choirs: [email protected]
Karla McClain, Middle School/Junior High Choirs: [email protected]
Juan Carlos Tavares, Elementary School Choirs: [email protected]
A new column featuring the activities of a different state every issue (this issue has 2!!), beginning with Maryland/District of Columbia and New York. Learn what others are doing that could benefit you, your program and your state as well. Here they are:
Voices United 2022: Summer of Renewal, August 4-6, 2022
Annual Collaborative Summer Conference by the DE, MD/DC, and VA chapters of ACDA
We were thrilled to return to an in-person Voices United conference for the first time in 3 years! The conference was held in the beautiful Hylton Performing Arts Center on George Mason University’s Science and Technology campus in Manassas, VA. Our fabulous headliners included Dr. Jason Max Ferdinand, Dr. Troy Robertson, and Dr. Janet M. Hostetter. Plans are in the works for next year’s conference to be held August 3-5, 2023 at the Hylton in Manassas. We hope to see some of you there!
Some of MD/DC’s events for the next year include:
Oct. 15, 2022, 9:30-1:00 pm: Joint ACDA/MCEA Fall Reading Session in Baltimore, MD (register by 10/8 at acdamddc.org) Lunch provided! Free to attend. We will be collecting donations for the Honor Choir Scholarship Fund to help students in need attend ACDA National this year!
Jan. 21, 2023: 11-12 Honor Choir Audition Workshop on Zoom. Purpose is to encourage more conductors, especially conductors of typically underrepresented groups at ACDA events, to audition singers for Honor Choirs. It will help members become aware of and/or simplify the process of auditioning singers. Will include best practices and recording tips and highlight supports, including Honor Choir Scholarships.
March 11, 2023, 9:30-3:00 pm: Collegiate Choral Conference at Towson University: Inspiring sessions from choral leaders in our region, including ADEI considerations in programming, conducting workshops, and advice for early-career conductors. This event is open to all choral conductors, but is specifically aimed at college students and early-career music teachers.
Quarterly Children’s/Youth Choir Director Happy Hour (virtual): Fridays 11/11, 3/10, and 6/9 from 5-7 pm on Zoom
We are so excited to support members of the MD/DC chapter and their choirs who were selected to present/perform at the ACDA National Conference in
Cincinnati, OH, Feb. 22-25!
Insight Choirs:
GenOUT Youth Chorus, Dr. C. Paul Heins, Conductor
Oakland Mills High School Singers, Dr. Edryn Coleman, Conductor
Accessible And Beautiful: SATB/SAB music by minority composers/arrangers,
Oakland Mills High School Singers and Dr. Edryn Coleman
GenOUT’s Choral Community: Queer Youth Creating Change,
GenOUT Youth Chorus and Dr. C. Paul Heins
Choral Songs from the African Diaspora in Latin America: Dr. Diana Sáez
(Towson University), Suzzette Ortiz, and Juan Tony Guzmán
Teaching Beyond the Music: Dr. Jason Max Ferdinand, University of Maryland

Join us for the first ever NY-ACDA Collegiate Conference!
Oct. 21-22, 2022 at Syracuse University
Each session, workshop, and masterclass has been specially curated for collegiate students looking to enter the choral field (directing, teaching, conducting, etc.).
This professional development opportunity will help prepare participants for job applications, graduate school applications, the first year of teaching, and much more. There are three unique masterclasses for collegiate members, including one that focuses on conducting gesture, one that centers around the rehearsal process, and one that focuses on how to introduce a new piece to a choir. Along with these offerings, there will be a featured collegiate roundtable with current NY-ACDA President, Doreen Fryling.
Any collegiate ACDA member is welcome to apply regardless of experience level! Please complete the student application and have an advisor/faculty who is familiar with your work complete the recommendation form.
For the list of clinicians, the schedule and more information, please go to www.nyacda.org. We hope to see you there!
Registration Form
Registration PayPal for $20 registration fee
Masterclass Application (Student)
Masterclass Recommendation Form (Faculty)
Special thanks to the Collegiate Conference Committee of Dr. John Warren, Dr. Nils Klykken, Dr. Esther Liu Harris, Dr. Morgan Jolley, and Morgan Beaton
for their work on this event!
Connecticut: Fall Conference, October 29, 2022, at Wilber Cross H.S., New Haven, CT.
Delaware: Director’s Open House, 5:00-7:00 pm, Grotto’s Pizza, 1159 N. Dupont Hwy, Dover, DE 19901
Festival for Treble Voices, November 10, 2022, Amy E. duPont Music Building, University of Delaware, Newark, DE. Headliner: Amy Voorhees
Contact: Joanne Ward – s[email protected] or Lauren Conrad –
[email protected]
Maine: Fall Conference, October 7, 2022 at Windham H.S., 406 Gray Rd., Windham, ME. Headliner: Kristina C. MacMullen. More information HERE
High School Festival, November 2, 2022 at Messalonskee H.S. See website above
for details as they become available.
Maryland: Joint ACDA/MCEA Fall Reading Session, Oct. 15, 2022, from 9:30-1:00 pm, Baltimore, MD. Lunch provided! Free to attend. Donations collected for the Honor Choir Scholarship Fund to help students in need attend ACDA 2023 National Conference. Register by Oct. 8 at: www.acdamddc.org
Massachusetts: High School Choral Festival, October 15, 2022, at Marblehead Middle School, Marblehead, MA. Headliners: Dr. Lesley Mann and Dr. Anthony Trecek-King.
More information HERE
festival/ Contact: Andrew Scoglio – [email protected]
New Hampshire: Songs for Elementary Choirs by Women Composers, Oct. 20, 2022, Marriott Hotel and Conference Center, 2200 Southwood Drive, Nashua,
NH. Headliner: Elizabeth Woodhouse.
More information HERE
New York: NY-ACDA Collegiate Student Conference, October 21-22, 2022, at Syracuse University, Syracuse, NY. All information available at: www.nyacda.org
Pennsylvania: United We Sing Festival, November 3, 2022, at Susquehanna
University, 514 University Ave., Selinsgrove, PA. Headliner: Stacey Gibbs.
Contact: Amy Voorhees – [email protected]
More information HERE
Vermont: Madrigal Festival, December 9, 2022. For details as they become available, check HERE
COMING SOON – Opportunities to advertise your ACDA activities in ChoraLink and at a discounted rate. Look for it in the December issue!